Co-creation and Design- Caption

Sessions with partner organizations to collectively generate content or ideas.

  • 5 Organisations came together in Bengaluru to build a shared vision for Shikshāgraha.


CSOs shared their challenges to scale their current programs that included lack of program design knowledge for scale intervention, lack of Government liasioning skills,  unavailability of human resource  in districts, fundraising challenges, etc

Expertise and knowledge sharing enabled creating valuable Assets –  District Playbook 


  • 10 Organisations came together to kick start the phase 1 of Shikshāgraha formally met to share their learnings and challenges on the ground. 


  • Organisations together built a shared understanding for Shikshāgraha
  • Organisations shared their current district program updates: 6 of the 10 organisations have begun district landscaping
  • Unbundles: Events to energise organisations 

Co-creation Exercises

12+ co-creation calls with Co-creator Organizations | 4 Co-creation calls with Phase 1 Organizations |One-on-One  support calls with Phase1 organizations

  • 5 Organisations came together in Bengaluru to build a shared vision for Shikshāgraha.
  • CSOs shared their challenges to scale their current programs that included lack of program design knowledge for scale intervention, lack of Government liasioning skills, unavailability of human resource in districts, fundraising challenges, etc
  • Expertise and knowledge sharing enabled creating valuable

Co-created Assets

Mr. Ramesh Kacholia and His Highness Yaduveer Wadiyar releasing the assets co-created by Shikshāgraha partners